URBAN to provide landscape design for 1,750 residential project in East London
Alexandra Steed URBAN has been selected as landscape architect as part of the multi-disciplinary team appointed to design a new large-scale residential development in Canning Town, East London. Alongside Jestico & Whiles, Buro Happold, Architecture Doing Place, and AR Urbanism, URBAN will develop the landscape for this new 1,750 home development. The design will create dynamic public realm that will not only provide a sense of community and improve connectivity with the wider area, but will also focus on sustainability and low-carbon design.
The project, on behalf of the London Borough of Newham, sits on a 10 hectare site, referred to as ‘Canning Town East’ regeneration area, also known as strategic site S15.
Read more at: https://www.bdonline.co.uk/news/jestico-and-whiles-lands-1750-home-east-london-masterplan/5118023.article